Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sneak Peek

So on Saturday 10/30 I was asked to do a Quince. This Birthday party was special. A Quince for those who might not know, is a debutant like right of passage in the latin american culture for young ladies turning 15. Its a pretty big event. Sometimes just as big as a wedding. Reason why it was special was it wasn't just one Quinceñera but Two. Yes Two. They were twins. I feel like I've been shooting a lot of twins. Any way here's the sneak peek. 


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just an Update

Hi Everyone!

I've Been crazy busy yet not, all at the same time. I'm currently in the process of looking for a new place. Hopefully big enough to make a small studio inside. Not to mention I've been spending a bit of time fixing up the blog. Tweaking things here and there. So good stuff yet to come. So cross your fingers folks and send me some positive vibes! 

Here's a few Pictures to keep you all entertained. :)


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Now most people who go to school together, grow up and go their separate ways but with all these different social networks like Myspace, Facebook, Twitter etc, I've managed to keep somewhat in touch with a lot of people from my childhood. Now I first met Louis in 6th grade. We got to know each other better as the years went on and my first year of high school we participated Troupe 6822 together. Since then we didn't keep much touch with each other, other than the occasional status comment, I went on doing my thing and vise versa. Louis has always been fascinated with celebrities and so it was no surprise when he was an intern on Y100 for those of you who listen to the Mack at night show, might have heard Louis speaking on the show often. Or maybe seen him at the Pageants here in Florida. Any who when he found out that I was a photographer he was interested in having me do a session with him. A local celebrity blogger had asked for a few pictures to be featured on her page along with a fun interview. Here are a few of my favs.

Marlis' Bridal Shower

 Sneak Peek of Marlis' Bridal Shower. More to Come Soon. 

Update: Been pretty busy between sessions and editing, and managing everything in between. Lots of stuff still left to upload. 



Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It's Official! I'm up to date on the blog....for now. Keep your eyes peeled for all the new stuff coming up! 

Andrea and Javi Engagement Part 2

 I couldn't help it here are some more photos from Andrea and Javi's Engagement Session.





Andrea and Javi Engagement

Okay so when I first met Javi and Andrea we met at a Barnes and Nobles close to our houses in late July. As soon as we started talking I instantly felt at ease and comfortable with them. They are so playful and full of fun ideas. When we discussed the location for there pictures they came to me with the idea of shooting at Ikea. I mean what adult doesn't like ikea? It's like Toys R' Us for Adults. I was already excited about this but they topped it off with Tree Tops park. I mean I giant tree house too? How awesome is that? So finally October came and It was time for the session. Everything went great. We had a blast at Ikea, and enjoyed an awesome lunch. And Tree tops park was pretty great too (minus the AWFUL mosquitoes, there were hundreds!). Any way here are a few, I hope you all enjoy!

Part One :D


Alexa and Alejandro First Birthday

I love taking photographs of kids. They're just so cute and lovable, not mention they make the BEST facial expressions. So when Sandra first emailed me inquiring about my rates, I thought I was just doing a regular birthday party. A few emails later I found out they were twins! They were adorable. And mommy sure dressed them for the part.