Saturday, July 21, 2012

Michelle and Sam

Alright so I'm a little ticked off. I just realized at some point when making the blog temps to make my uploading easier I must have screwed up the size! Which has me a little peeved since they aren't as wide as they should be. I'm also a little sad since I would love to re do it but I've already resized and and done so much that doing it again will take me hours with the amount of sessions. 

Lesson 1: Don't procrastinate! Get your blogging done so that a mistake like this could be easy to fix. 
Lesson 2: check it before doing it a hundred times. 
Lesson 3: not all short cuts are good. 

Okay now back to this adorable couple. Now I believe in fate. While I was shooting with Russia's Next Top Model, I received a text from a client saying they were interested in an engagement session. Because I was on set I waited till break to answer. In the meantime I walked into a store at the beach which we were shooting in. Little did I know Michelle (the gorgeous gal below) was the owner of the very store we were shooting in, and the very same who texted me inquiring about the E-Session! We didn't realize we had met until we had a phone conversation regarding her boat idea led to my I just shot on a boat for RNTM and I have tons of ideas.

Lesson 4: It's a small world, but Miami is much much smaller.
Lesson 5: What's meant to be will be. God always has a plan. 

Enough of me, now time to read their story as told by Michelle:

Hmm our story, well, we are both from Connecticut. Sam was actually born on a boat, and has been obsessed with anything aquatic ever since. We met when I was on Sam's friend's boat, we had pulled into the Marina where Sam was working and we immediately locked eyes, I was in love!!! It took 2 years after that initial meeting for us to actually get together. Just when we were getting cozy together I received a phone call that I had gotten a job back in Miami. Sam being the amazing person he is packed me and my saab up and drove me down to Florida, we parted ways in a tearful goodbye, saying that we were going to try the "long distance thing" After a brutal 2 months of long phone calls and not seeing each other, Sam called me and said he was moving down. We've been together ever since.---------------------------------------------------------------------
Oh love, how amazing you can be.  


  1. Look like this was a fun session! Love these pics!

  2. I am looking you and your girl as lover.They share some loving moments with you.The events captured by professional photographer.All the session was very nice I consider.All sweet image.I like them.
