I've had such a dreadful week with this cold. Barely any desire to do anything let alone edit. But today I'm feeling so much better, although still a little queasy, I decided to do a "Fix it Friday" brought to you by iHeartfaces. I'm recently new to their photography community, but not to their work. Had them on facebook for quite some time. "Fix it Friday" is fun way to get different photogs to send in their edited version of a SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) image chosen by iHeartfaces. The following image was the image chosen by them to be edited.
An awesome fall picture don't you think?
Here is my Edited version. :D
What Your Photographer Really Does
There is another reason why I posted this. Many times my client friends come to me asking me what the difference between out of camera and edited is. Its not always easy to explain because its a very visual thing. I've had people ask me: "Don't the images come out that way, Don't you do that sorta thing in the camera?"
The answer is no. Although Canon and Nikon do have camera's that can crop, re-size, and turn into b/w and sepia, to achieve a picture like this, it requires software (i.e Photoshop/Lightroom/etc...)
The photographers work doesn't end after the 8 hour wedding coverage, or 1 hour Portrait session. It doesn't even start at the session! It starts the moment we're contacted. Just like law your not just billed on the hours your in court, your billed for the consultation, the research hours, the meetings, the court time. Same thing goes for us.
Image from a post Kamieo Photography Shared today
I know what some people are thinking..." But I found this photog who's charging significantly less then you, whats the difference?"
I know its hard to justify spending a large amount of money. When you can get "the same thing" much cheaper but its not. Most of time these inexpensive photogs don't charge a lot for a few reasons.
1. They may have just started out. So they're inexpensive now, until they realize how much it actually cost to run a legit business.
2. They don't pay taxes yet because its a "hobby" or this is a job to create "Extra" cash when they have a normal 9-5 job already.
3. They don't own very expensive equipment and the latest software. So they don't need to charge for upgrading it.
4. Their images aren't up to their own standards so they know they couldn't get more than what they are charging for them.
What a Photogs Job really comes down to and Why it's called an investment
Time does not stop does it? Your wedding day that you spent countless months planning is gone after 8 hours. Where did the time go? One moment your getting ready, next minute your married, and next thing you know the reception is over. After the place is cleaned, the flowers are dead, and everyone's gone home, you're left with knowing your images have been captured by a photographer who's work you not only loved but whom you trust. And you know your memories of that day will be with you for a lifetime.
Or how about that moment you find out your having a baby! What an amazing feeling right? How quickly does it fly by? Now the baby is here, and next thing you know your new bundle of joy is running around getting ready to start pre-school. And even though you couldn't stop time, you can sit on your couch with your album and look back at the special moments, like your maternity session, you baby's newborn photos, the first birthday, the family session last winter... and know that even though time is passing by, you still have the ability to be transported back to those moments simply by revisiting your precious images. Because Life, after all, is worth Capturing don't you think?
I hope I've helped some of you see into the life of the photographer. And what goes into the creation of your memories.
Have an Awesome Friday Everyone!!!!!